Monday, April 27th - Update
Hey so today is a tough day. Mom woke up really dizzy, short of breath and really shaky. She wasn’t able to walk or sit up. They switched her back to the high flow this morning but she wasn’t tolerating it well. They are unsure as to what is causing the intensive shaking/muscle spasms. I’ve been FaceTiming her but I watched her sleep and she was gasping for air. Finally all the doctors came in and they put her back on the vent to give her a break. They are very concerned. They think she might have an underlying infection and have started broad spectrum antibiotics. Dr. Sayah told them to check her Co2 twice a day when on the high flow since they can see it when she is on the vent. She is having trouble staying oxygenated (stating really really low) and they are concerned about what is causing it. They have stopped her tube feeds to prep her for a CT and bronchoscopy to see how the lungs are.