Friday, June 26th - Update
Today they had planned to downsize her trach to a smaller one that makes it easier to swallow and drink but that has been put on hold. Mom didn’t have a good night of sleep and had some issues staying saturated. They had to increase her oxygen to 15 Ls. She seemed fine this morning but extremely tired and unable to keep her eyes open. We noticed she had some trouble moving around and she was unable to walk. About an hour ago she woke up from a nap pretty confused and was unable to answer the nurses questions but it seemed like she was just a bit confused. She went back to sleep for a bit then suddenly woke up having extreme full body muscle spasms and lots of confusion. The full team came in to access her and put her back on the ventilator. They are now taking her for a CT / MRI to check for possible seizures or a stroke and to check how her lungs are doing. They are unsure if this is just a culmination of high CO2 (although her levels have been good), possible medication interactions, potential infection or something else. She will be moved back into the ICU. We should hear in the next hour or so.
—- update —-
Chest ct shows that the right lung on the bottom has collapsed. They don’t think it’s full of enough fluid to do a chest tube. Initial read of the head scan shows no bleeding or sign of trauma / stroke.
They think it might just be a bad episode after a record good week. She is back in the 7 icu and still sleeping from the sedation used during the CT. She is stable and her oxygenation is good.