Super exciting news!! Today mom has been cleared to come home!!! It has been a long and winding journey these past 134 days in the icu but also one of joy and celebration. We are dancing and fist pumping and celebrating all the progress mom has made, the amazing care from the UCLA team and support from everyone that has consistently lifted us up. Please feel all the love and joy we are sending out to you all.
She will be home with a trach and is still requiring oxygen at rest and the ventilator at night but the team has plans to slowly downsize and eventually remove the trach. The next milestone will be a swallow test when mom will be able to start reintroducing drinks and soft foods to her diet. Hello (mushy) chili hot dog.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love and support. We look forward to opening up our zoom hangouts “Camp Karine” to all of you once we get adjusted to our new routine. Sending lots of love and good vibes 💕