Perusing Over Tea


This morning we (Taryn) made gluten-free, Vegan Cinnamon Rolls. Delicious! Play around with it and add different spices.

The picture above is of my reclaimed wood garden cart which I’ll share the “how to” in a future post. It holds my potted herbs and succulents. An unfortunate spray paint accident (windy day=spray painted herbs) wiped out my beauties so I am in the process or repotting. Here’s a helpful link on how to Grow Herbs in Containers.

Have you heard of the app Camera Bag 2?  It’s a little pricy but trust me you will be amazed at all of the filter options you will have. You even have the option of creating your own filter.

I had the most amazing Chocolate Mint Tea this week during a meeting. I’m familiar with the chocolate mint plant but I’ve never tried the tea. I’m hooked! How did I not try this before?!  If you’re adventurous and brew your own, please share your how-to with me.

I hope you enjoy your weekend! Please share with me how you like to spend your Saturdays in the comment section below.



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