Wednesday, May 20th - Update

Be Kind And Smile Often Karine UCLA Lung Transplant

I was able to go to the hospital for a few hours and meet with the team / hang out with mom. 

From the doctors the current status of moms lungs :

Looking at the X-ray, left lung has fluid in the plural space and in the lung. It’s slightly more collapsed as well. Right lung shows fluid also and what looks like a pneumonia infection in the bottom middle node. 

The ventilator provides positive pressure to keep the lung expanded but she needs to be on the high flow trach collar to exercise and strengthen her diaphragm/breathing muscles. X-ray shows her lungs look a bit smooshed at the bottom when she is on the high flow. They are slowly decreasing her ventilator time every day and she is now on the high flow for 18 hours and then the ventilator for a rest. 

They have started her on a high dose antibiotics to combat the possible pneumonia. She is tolerating being on the high flow longer - meaning her oxygenation and breathing rate is normal. If that ever drops or she starts to look like she is gasping they will switch back. Getting the muscles strong just take time. Dealing with the fungal and pneumonia also takes a lot of energy and strength to heal from. She has been getting a lot more disoriented and confused but that can be linked to her extended ICU stay and an active infection. The team is working to keep her comfortable while still pushing her everyday. And they are pushing her. It’s takes so much energy to just sit up on her own but she is such a warrior and has so much strength. The nurses have all been so excited when she asks them if she can go for another unprompted walk and have all commented on how determined she is. 

The chronic pain management team is being consulted to help her back pain since they do not want to push any new pain medication. We are hoping they can find an alternative.