Sunday, April 19th - Update
Mom had another a tough night. She woke up around 4 with lots of pain (back, right side by the lung and around the chest tubes on both sides) and a lot of anxiety. They had to switch her off of oxy since it was giving her gi issues. This is the second night of no sleep.
Yesterday they switched her to the high flow oxygen for 7 hours and she did pretty great considering she was breathing on her own. It got pretty tough in the evening but Shannon read her some devotionals while we FaceTimed which was really nice.
At night they switched her back to the ventilator to give her a rest but she is back on the high flow trach collar for the day.
They are trying to manage the pain with new medications and the anxiety as well. She will be walking on the low ventilator settings and then put back on the high flow trach.
Please pray for a peaceful, pain-free day.
— update -
Mom had three walks and then got really sleepy. They check the Co2 and it was extremely high so they put her back on the ventilator to recover. Mom is asleep now but stable.
(water color by Karine)