Tuesday, May 12th - Update
Mom said she slept well. She is up in the chair on the high flow but sleeping again. She was complaining of pain so they gave her tramadol and she said she felt anxious but the nurse is very encouraging and said she will continue to motivate her. They are talking about changing the high flow to the passing air valve which is a step away from capping the trach. She is doing the high flow is 6 hours sprints with a 2 hour rest on the ventilator in between.
- Update -
Great day in the books! Three walks done by 4 and no stops on all of them. She did so well on the high flow (down to 30% at 20L) that they will trial the passing air flow tomorrow. Chest tube has minimal output but they are keeping it in for safe measures in case of bleeding. Her nurse has been amazing at encouraging her and motivating mom to move around more. They have introduced more PT to help build muscle and get movement between walks.