Christmas Thoughts


Love note from my mom a couple days ago when she was able to write. “I ♥️ you”. I didn’t know my heart could hurt in this much. It’s been 5 days since my mom has been on a ventilator. 6 days since I’ve heard her voice. The doctors tell us she has only 15% of viable lung left and that the likelihood of her breathing on her own is slim. But I’m choosing to not live in fear. No, I’m trying to find the joy in the little things like when she nods back after I say I love you and when she raises her eyebrows after I tell a bad joke. I feel hope and love and comfort that God is at work. I also feel pain and am overwhelmed waking up from naps almost thinking this was all a bad dream. But God is good and I seek peace in His plan. We whisper love messages to her and massage good smelling oils. We laugh and cry with her. We enjoy every moment with our incredible @bekindandsmileoften 💕 love you to infinity momma. Keep fighting, you are the strongest person on the planet. 🌻 🌻🌻

- Taryn

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