Monday, March 23rd - Update
Monday AM
Karine’s monday update! Mom is going to have her gtube replaced sometime today. Also they are going to have another bronchoscopy to check her right lung which is looking bruised from the fluid retention. She was nauseous last night but they were moving her around a lot on her side to check the right lung out so they think she got a bit jostled. Anti nausea medicine has helped. Her heart was good and normal yesterday and she tolerated slightly lower vent settings last night. Don’t think she had a great night though. Left arm is still looking pretty swollen. Her oxygen stats have been great though so that’s really encouraging! Talking with the team today about what the next few days look like.
8:00 PM
Just got an update from the surgical nurse. After the CT scan last night, Dr. Ardehali decided to take mom back in to the OR tomorrow morning for a lung wash to remove fluid in her bottom right lung and blood / clotted blood in the left lung. They will be going back in through the surgery incisions so mom will have a few days of soreness again.
They will also be replacing her gtube tomorrow while she is sedated. They stopped the heparin yesterday since they anticipated surgery tomorrow and that’s a risk now.
Her CO2 level this morning was at 100 but she was still able to interact with the team 100 is extremely high and the nurse was shocked at her level cognition. She is off of pressure support and back on the ventilator support for now. They will try her again on pressure support later. She continues to struggle with CO2 retention but as her muscles get stronger this should go away. She is in good spirits and laughed at our jokes via FaceTime :)