Tuesay, April 21st - Update
Mom is going on her second walk right now. She is stable and got some sleep but woke up early with anxiety and back pain. The back pain is all over but really intensifying around her left lung / side.
During the night her breathing got shallow and they had to increase the ventilator settings to a rate flow which means it initiated the breath for her. She is back down to pressure support during the day today. They are trying to not give her any extra pain or anxiety medication as they think this is causing her muscles to be too relaxed but understand that it’s a fine balance.
Her first walk went okay but she was really tired so they increased her ventilator settings for some extra support. Unfortunately there has been a surge in the covid positive cases at the hospital so we cannot we drop off stuff for mom anymore. It’s all about keeping her and the staff safe so it’s a necessary precaution.
(watercolor by Karine)